Bicycle fitting services for road, triathlon, time trial, Mtb bike
Bike fitting is a search for balance between the bike and the human body. The cyclist is a biomechanic machine, so mechanical physique concept apply to the body.
We want to create balance so we can reduce the energetic consumption from the muscular tonus. Less fatigue is less watts spent to maintain tonus and balance. So more watts for the ultimate climb, sprint or simply to make it home!

Having worked with teams and bicycle tours programs in Europe and North America, Vocelle cycling services is setting bicycle events for all kinds of cyclist including the technical support, management, marketing.
For a club, fundraiser, corporation, team building or a bike Foursome, be sure of a successful event with a professional team.
Serving and studying cycling since 1984
‘’ Steve is a loyal and valuable man to have on any international trip. It doesn’t matter whether he is researching, developping or guiding trips, Steve is comfortable on the road. Steve has a long history in the cycling industry. His vast experience and knowledge in the bike machine, bike racing or bike travel is a great asset for our company. ‘’
Steve Bauer
Clients and past programs
Équipe Canadienne de Cyclisme
Team Ford-Devinci
Cycles Devinci demo tour Amérique du Nord
Équipe de course Record
Coupe du Québec de Charlevoix
CTS Carmichael training system
Steve Bauer bike tours
Ride with Lance Amstrong, Mt-Tremblant
Argon 18
Cycles Gervais Rioux
Fondation Emergo
Fondation enfants diabétique
Club Veloce
Fédération transporteurs par autobus
Institut développement urbain du Québec
Vocelle cycling services is a bike fitting specialist who offers fitting classes. These classes are offer to bike specialist or health specialist. Kinesiologist, sport therapist, ostheopath, physiotherapist, in order for them to learn basics that will help them treat their cyclist client.
A conference for your club or group can be done with your context in mind . For your bike culture or to increase your knowledge in a sport growing field.

In partnership with
these classes are offer at certain dates in order to facilitate single person participant to join in. Be part of it!

Since 1984 Road and MTB Racer
Since 1989 Bike mechanic
1991 Bsc Sciences Physical activities, Université Laval
1989-1992 Limoilou College, Phys.Ed teacher
1992-1997 Record racing team, president and racer
1995-1998 Corporation Sentier des caps de Charlevoix, Director
1995-1997 Coupe Quebec MTB de Charlevoix, Race Director
1997-2002 Canadian National team mechanic MTB
1997-2003 Team Ford-Devinci, MTB World cup, team Director
2004-2007 Steve Bauer Bike Tours, Logistic director and tour guide
2003 Certified Wobblenaught fit biomécanique
2005 CTS Carmichael training system, technical support
2007-2019 Cycles Gervais Rioux specialist
2009-2011 Ride with Lance Amstrong, technical support
2011-to date Retul 3D fit system
2013-2015 Club Veloce, fonder
2012-to date ACDA, events director
2013-to date Bike fitting teacher partnership Technocycle
2012-to date Corporate cycling Events director
2023-to date Sale representative at ARG-Sports
"...the fit has enabled me to enjoy riding longer and more aggressive than ever before. My back pain is gone and thus it is with great thrill i get on my bicycle nowadays."
Hans Bergman / Assos North America / Dir. Sales & Marketing
"...je tiens à vous remercier pour votre présence et les excellents services cyclistes reçus. La collaboration renouvellée est toujours synonyme de qualité et de professionnalisme."
Marie-Laurence Boivin / KPMG / Évènements et Marketing
" I want to thank you for the adjustments that you made to my bike. I have not been able to enjoy riding as much as i did this weekend. I reached Kingston after 6 1/2 hours of riding and my back felt great and I was still strong as I reached our destination."
Michael Deitcher / Alliance Steel Corporation / President
"Steve, it's a pleasure to have someone with your expertise and know how, to refer clients to! Another success story to add to the list! Thanks!."
Michelle Paiement / Toguri Training Systems WEST studio / Owner & Cycling coach
" ...Merci à toi et ton équipe qui nous secondez tellement bien, avec efficacité, professionnalisme et rigueur. Nos cyclistes sont très heureux de leur journée..."
Danielle Brien / Fondation pour enfants diabétiques / Dir. Gén.